Kelly Springer is the founder and owner of Kelly’s Choice nutritional company, which focuses on sports nutrition, weight loss, workplace wellness, heart health, diabetes and more. Kelly also is a spokesperson for many national healthy food companies. Her clients have included Quaker Oats and KIND. Recently, Kelly’s Choice kicked off a virtual wellness program for large companies and businesses throughout the U.S. Kelly lives her healthiest life by always staying organized and being active with her family!

Kelly Springer
Favorite Healthy Eating Tips:
- Start the day off with a well-balanced, nourishing breakfast. I start my day off with a glass of kefir (a creamy drink of fermented cow’s milk) and a scrambled egg with veggies mixed in.
- Hydrate throughout the day. Water is critical to all of the body’s systems, including the brain, heart, lung, kidneys and muscles. You can’t digest and absorb vitamins and nutrients without water. It also detoxifies the liver and kidneys and carries away waste from the body. Your brain is mostly water—drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better.
- Make sure that half of your lunch and dinner plates are veggies. They provide your body with additional water and also provide fiber, vitamins and minerals. There are many ways to make vegetables delicious!
How do you juggle a career, family and healthy lifestyle?
I’m going to be honest here—it is not easy! I’m busy with work, and my two daughters are busy with school, swimming and other activities. All of those activities go on a calendar, but guess what else? A couple of years ago, I started putting “me” time on the calendar. This is when I work out. I also make sure to never skip meals and get a full night’s sleep. This is true for me and my girls! We all need at least seven hours of sleep a night!
How do you stay active in the winter?
On Sunday, we like to ski in the winter! We spend four to five hours on the slope. I also stay active by doing all of my errands by foot: going to the bank, going to the post office or picking up a few groceries. I live in Skaneateles. It’s great to live in a walkable community.
How does a healthy lifestyle help you at home and at work?
A healthy lifestyle helps my whole family. It helps protect us from colds, flus, and other illnesses. My schedule is packed, and I don’t have time to get sick or for my children to get sick.
Best advice for people trying to live a healthy life?
Understand that you don’t have to be perfect. You can start by making simple healthy swaps:
- Swap your morning cereal for eggs.
- Replace white bread with whole wheat bread and white rice for brown rice.
- Switch your candy bars for healthier granola bars.
- Eat your fruit instead of drinking it (example: an apple instead of apple juice).
- Switch from potato chips to air-popped popcorn.
- Try Greek yogurt as a substitute for sour cream.
What are your favorite, local “healthy” spots?
I love the Charlie Major Nature Trail along Skaneateles Creek. It’s beautiful alongside the flowing water. We use it year-round for walking and biking in the spring, summer and fall, and snow-shoeing in the winter.
Click here to learn more about Kelly.
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