About A Healthier Upstate Contributor

A Healthier Upstate Contributor

Posts by A Healthier Upstate Contributor

My LifeTime Story: Balancing Caregiving with Work

“I am very lucky that I work for a company that recognizes me as a person and not just a number,” says Victoria Graham, FQM Business Process Manager, at Excellus BlueCross BlueShield. Trust Victoria has worked in the finance department since 2016, in varies job roles, but what has remained constant is that she has…Read More »

No Meeting Thursdays

Love them or hate them, I am sure that we all can agree that meetings take up a big block of time during our workday. In 2020, our company instituted No Meeting Thursdays or NMT days, that are scheduled the first and third Thursday every month. The intent of “No Meeting Thursday” was to help stop meeting…Read More »

The Road to Leadership One Step at A Time

“Going to school as an adult, working in the industry that I’m studying in college is a whole different experience than taking courses right out of high school.  I can take the concepts and theories I am learning in the “classroom” and apply those skills to my daily work.  Additionally, it is exciting to understand…Read More »

Carolyn passionately serves our customers

Ankit thinks and acts differently

Changing the stigma around disability

When she began her career in 2017 as an intern in safety net and individual market sales at the Health Plan, Kaitlin Hawkins-Rusch couldn’t foresee how involved she would become in diversity, equity, and inclusion and how it would impact not only her professional life, but her personal life as well. As an intern, Kaitlin…Read More »

Collage photos of family

An unexpected special delivery for expectant parents

Expectant mom, Lana Polishchuk’s special delivery arrived four months before the birth of her baby boy. It came in a cardboard box – from her health insurance company. “I received a call from my insurance company. I was pregnant and thought they were calling with information on breastfeeding,” said Polishchuk. Instead, her insurer was calling…Read More »

Rowan models Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access

Putting my health at the top of the list

Putting our health and wellbeing at the top of the priority list can sometimes be a challenge.  We often devote so much of our time and energy caring for others that our own wellbeing can end up last on the “to do” list.  This was the experience of Jennifer Maszczak, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield claims examiner. …Read More »

What To Know About RSV and Flu This Winter

Why am I hearing so much about RSV and what can I do to keep my child healthy this winter? From a surge in RSV cases to COVID and the flu, the news headlines can feel overwhelming for parents. We sat down with Dr. Lorna Fitzpatrick to get answers to some of your most asked…Read More »