About Erika Gruszewski

Erika Gruszewski

Erika is a Syracuse native who lives in Rochester with her husband and daughter. She is a research insights consultant with Excellus BlueCross BlueShield.

Posts by Erika Gruszewski

10 Inspiring Stories about Women’s Health

For many bloggers at AHealthierUpstate.org, it’s been an honor to have chronicled the lives of so many women who’ve overcome critical diseases or worked hard to help others be healthy. In honor of National Women’s Health Week (May 13-19, 2018), we rounded up some of these inspirational stories – from articles about women who battled…Read More »

Picture of a woman holding a handful of almonds.

Snack Your Way to Your Summer Weight

Healthy snacking might sound like an oxymoron. But there are a lot of benefits to snacking – especially if you want to shed a few pounds in time for swimsuit season. If you snack on the right foods, you tend to consume fewer calories throughout the day. You’ll feel fuller longer and be less likely…Read More »

Life after College: How to Ease a Graduate’s Biggest Fear

I’m graduating. I’ve been saying those words a lot lately…mostly in my head. For the past couple of months, it’s been difficult to wrap my head around that concept. I’ve been a student for the past 16 years; I’m not quite sure I know how to be anything else. The Fears of a Graduate Like…Read More »

What You Need to Know Before Buying Sunglasses for Your Kid

Sunglasses for kids come in all sorts of fun sizes, shapes and characters. What young kid wouldn’t want police dog Chase from Paw Patrol or Anna and Elsa from Frozen plastered on the side of their shades? More importantly, just like with adults, sunglasses can save their skin and eyes by blocking the sun’s powerful…Read More »

Sage Advice: 7 Tips for Your Herb Garden (Recipes Included!)

I’d rather be cooking than gardening, but there’s something about growing and using my own herbs that’s satisfying to the soul and palate and a treat for the senses. Once planted, they grow quickly–sometimes, it seems, right in front of my eyes. In the morning, I do some tactile and aromatherapy as I touch and…Read More »

Digestive Health – Your Gut is More Important Than You Think

On a recent webinar with Kelly Springer of Kelly’s Choice Nutritional Company, I learned about digestive health and why it’s so important. As a college student with little time to eat healthy and who lives off of dining hall food, I had no idea what to expect. It turns out that 74 percent of Americans…Read More »

What’s the difference between “organic” and “natural”?

If you’re confused about the difference between organic and natural, you’re not alone. While they might sound like the same thing, one describes a strictly regulated product, while the other is largely a marketing term. Don’t be fooled. What is “Organic”? Organic food is regulated by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), which sets…Read More »

Buffalo Chicken Sweet Potato Bake

Buffalo chicken. Is there anything better? I’d submit to you that there is not. However, it is generally not a nutritional practice to eat buffalo chicken wings and dip on a regular basis. That is, until I discovered this casserole that’s equal parts nutritional and flavorful. This is our family’s go-to recipe for any event…Read More »

Have a Medicare Plan? Take Steps to Protect Yourself Against Fraud

My mom laughed out loud when she got a call from her bank asking if she had purchased hand-crafted men’s cowboy boots from a store in Texas. She was grateful the bank checked to see if the charge was legitimate. The account was frozen and she cut up her card and waited for the bank…Read More »

18 Fabulous Fiction Books for 2018

“Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth.” This quote from Albert Camus is why I love fiction. Reading about other peoples’ made up lives, I learn something about myself. Fiction transports me to other times, places and events. Yet, universal truths about the human condition are true for all. For convenience sake,…Read More »