6 Things to Do for Yourself this Holiday Season

Staying healthy (and sane) throughout the holiday season is more than just tackling a holiday weight-loss challenge or cutting back on the fruit cake. It’s about adopting an active, lifelong process of balancing and integrating all aspects of your life for optimal health.

There are actually six elements of wellness that reflects the whole person; each element is connected and one aspect of your life affects another. If you want an all-around healthier you for the holidays and beyond, here are some ideas for enhancing each “wellness” part of your life:


  • Sign up for a class at a local college that may increase your skills at your current position or be the first step to a different career.
  • Read a book that will help you determine your strengths, prepare for the future or enhance your job prospects.


  • Join a social club, e.g., Rotary club, or a hobby organization, e.g., running.
  • Enroll in a class at your local parks and recreation department or join a book club.


  • Stay a few hours with a disabled person so that a caregiver can get some respite.
  • Volunteer for a cause that’s near and dear to you, e.g., adult or child literacy, or a one-day event to raise funds to find a cure for a specific disease.


  • Schedule a session or two with a financial adviser or a money coach to set and work towards goals for retirement, travel or a rainy day.
  • Pay off a bill for someone or make a plan to pay off your credit card debt.


  • Subscribe to an app for music, books or podcasts that will lift your spirits.
  • Get “lost” in a hobby that stirs your creative soul.


  • Order an Empire Pass which gives day-use vehicle entry into all of the New York State parks and then use it! Enjoy the scenery while you get in a hike.
  • Walk around a local greenhouse in the middle of winter to surround yourself with warmth and the beauty of plants and flowers. The Lamberton Conservatory in Rochester may be an option!

Above all, give yourself the time to pursue the things that give you pleasure. Start small, but try to do something in each wellness element. As Stevie Wonder sang, “Time is long but life is short.” Make the most of it!


Spotlight on Alana Hughes and H2 Fitness

Alana Hughes wants to inspire you to feel your best and live a life you love through fitness.

Alana Hughes

Alana turned around her health years ago by losing about 40 pounds and embracing a healthy lifestyle. Those positive changes inspired her to start H2 Fitness, a full body “boot camp” program, with her business partner and best friend, Juvar (JT) Houston. Together, they teach fitness classes throughout the city of Syracuse and surrounding areas.

Alana and Juvar

Soon after starting the business, Alana was diagnosed with Lupus. But she never let that stop her from being fit and staying positive.

What are you trying to do?

H2 Fitness is on a mission to get our city fit. Fitness is fun! It’s not just about the push-ups and the sit-ups. It’s about changing the way you feel about yourself mentally, emotionally and physically. When you feel good, you do good.

We try to create a fitness community. That’s why we call ourselves “the fit family.” We kayak, hike and run 5Ks with our clients in addition to just training. When you’re supported by a community, you can exceed your goals and expectations.

What motivates you to keep up with your fitness schedule?

Before we started H2 Fitness, I was a client. I was overweight and I didn’t feel good about myself. JT was actually my trainer. With his help, I lost about 40 pounds. I felt much better and was a lot more active. Now, I could play with my nephews and not be tired. I could go to parks and on bike rides and things like that. I loved that feeling. That’s what keeps me motivated. I don’t want to lose that feeling.

You’ve shared a lot on the challenges of being healthy when you have an autoimmune disorder, such as lupus. How do you manage to stay fit while also managing your condition?

Before I got into fitness, my joints would swell so much that I couldn’t walk. At the time, I didn’t know what it was. My doctors had me wear a boot and walk on crutches. It got so bad that I was using a walker. I was even in a wheelchair for about two weeks because the pain was just too much.

Later, after we started H2 Fitness, I was diagnosed with lupus.

Lupus can be tough. It’s unpredictable. I try to avoid sugar, processed food and stress. Exercise helps by keeping me strong. But everyone is different. What works for one person won’t necessarily work for another. Everyone has to work at their own pace.

How do you make sure you don’t push yourself too hard?

Get to know your body. If your body is telling you that you are tired, then you need to rest.

Don’t forget to appreciate the little things. Stop and smell the roses. Look at the sky. Enjoy the sun. Even in the wintertime, enjoy the beautiful snow.

Healthy eating can be a challenge. How do you stay on track?

On Sundays, I try to prep my meals for at least the next three days. I prep my breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus my snacks and drinks– usually water or some kind of smoothie. On a Wednesday or Thursday, I prep again for the next few days.

Buying in bulk and prepping my meals saves me money. A lot of people say that eating healthy is expensive, but I don’t think that’s true. I think when you don’t plan it can be expensive.

Any words of encouragement for those just starting out?

Just get started. You’re already taking the first and hardest step by just showing up. The first day will always be the toughest. But don’t stop! Once you push past that first day, it will be behind you. The exercises don’t become easier, but you’ll become stronger.

Remember, whatever you set out to do, you can accomplish it. Nothing worth having comes easy. Just keep working, and know that we’re here to support you. Whether I know you or not, I want you to feel better, live better, and be happier!

What are your favorite Outdoor workout tips?

I recommend taking advantage of whatever is in your surroundings. If there are stairs, run them, jump up them, do leg exercises. If there’s something to run around, like a lake or a reservoir, run around it!

Where is your Favorite place to work out in Syracuse?

The Woodland Reservoir in the Strathmore neighborhood of Syracuse. It’s absolutely beautiful there, and you can get a great workout. When you are at the top of the hill you can see the whole city. You can work out on the hill and stairs, and it’s just gorgeous.

Gluten-Free… Is it Really Healthier?

Gluten gets a bad rap these days. But is it deserved?

What is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein that is naturally found in wheat, rye, barley and similar grains. The protein gives the grain its shape, strength, and texture. It’s typically found in products like bread, cereal, and pasta.

Gluten can be a problem for some people. About 3 million Americans have celiac disease, which is an auto-immune digestive disorder where eating this protein can lead to serious health problems. Other folks have a gluten sensitivity or intolerance, where consuming it results in headaches, dizziness, rashes and other symptoms. For people with celiac disease or a sensitivity, eliminating all sources of this protein from the diet can reduce problems and symptoms associated with their condition.

Going Gluten-Free

It’s often thought that a gluten-free diet is healthier than a conventional diet. True, many nutritious foods are naturally gluten-free, like fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Following this diet may help you eat more whole, unprocessed foods. But, just because a product is gluten-free, doesn’t mean it’s healthier. Gluten-free cookies, for example, and other baked goods are still highly processed and are high in calories and added sugar.

Additionally, whole grains, like whole-wheat foods, contain the entire grain kernel and include nutrients like dietary fiber, B vitamins and minerals like iron and magnesium. Going gluten-free means potentially missing out on the benefits of whole grains, including reducing the risk of heart disease and help with weight management. Recent research suggests that people should not be encouraged to remove gluten from their diet unless it’s medically recommended.

Don’t worry if you do have celiac disease or a sensitivity: you can still reap the benefits of whole grains by choosing foods like buckwheat, quinoa or brown rice.

What’s the Bottom Line?

If you think you might have celiac disease or a sensitivity, talk with your doctor before making changes to how you eat. Otherwise, whole grains should be included as part of a balanced diet. Need some inspiration? Avocado toast is a great way to enjoy whole grains.

Do’s and Don’ts of Helping Someone Quit Smoking

Don’t smoke? You might think the Great American Smokeout and other quit smoking efforts don’t apply to you.

But if you have a friend, family member or co-worker who wants to quit, there are things you can do to show your support.

“Smoking is incredibly addictive and it’s a very hard habit to quit,” said Eileen Wolff, workplace wellness consultant, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield. “But support from family and friends can make all the difference when it comes to quitting cigarettes and other forms of combustible tobacco.”

Quitting A Very Addictive Habit

Quitting smoking is one of the most important things a smoker can do to improve their health. Wolff offers the following tips for supporting those who are trying to quit:

  1. Encourage the people in your life who smoke to make a plan to quit.
  2. If you know a smoker who is giving up tobacco during the Smokeout, offer to give up something as well. Maybe cut out soda, coffee or sweets.
  3. Create a “survival” kit for the smoker who is trying to quit that can include hard candy, gum, straws to chew on and other items that mimic the act of smoking.
  4. Serve as a support person for someone who is trying to quit.

Quit Smoking Support

“If you’re supporting someone who is trying to quit, try to see the journey form their point of view,” Wolff added. “Try to avoid judging or criticizing the person who is in the process of trying to give up a very addictive habit.”

Other Do’s and Don’ts include:

DO serve as a distraction! Take them on a bike ride, a long walk, a hike or take in a movie.

DO help them remove anything that reminds them of their habit. Remove ashtrays, for example, and wash linens, blankets and anything else in their house that smells of smoke.

DO talk to the person who is trying to quit about your level of involvement. Can you check in regularly regarding their progress, and ask how they’re feeling? Tell the person who’s trying to quit that it’s OK to reach out to you whenever they need help.

DO stay positive and upbeat. Celebrate when they hit “quit smoking” milestones.

DON’T get annoyed by their likely very grumpy personality. Quitting smoking can make you depressed, anxious and irritable. Remind the person that these withdrawal symptoms are usually pretty bad during the first week, but often lessens over the next month.

DON’T offer advice. Ask how you can help and what kind of support they need.

Help To Quit Smoking

Lastly, there’s a slew of resources available for those who are trying to quit:

“It’s hard to watch a friend or loved one go through so much as they try to kick a tough addiction,” Wolff said. “But showing your support is the first step you can take to help them quit.”

Trick or Treat? Breaking the Holiday Weight Gain Cycle

I’m proud of my self-restraint.

There’s a bag of Snickers buried deep in my pantry. It’s the third week of October, during candy gorging season, and I have yet to rip open the bag and indulge.

I love candy. I really love Halloween. Every year, my somewhat healthy eating habits take a sharp spiral downward. It starts around Halloween and ends right after Valentine’s Day.

After the chocolate goodness of Valentine’s Day, I spend the next eight months adopting healthier eating habits as I try to shed holiday weight gain. But Halloween comes again and that all goes out the window.

This year, I’ve vowed to break this vicious cycle of holiday weight gain! For help, I consulted Pat Salzer, a registered dietitian at Excellus BlueCross BlueShield. She’s sharing her healthy eating tips for the holidays, starting with Halloween.

Tip #1: Don’t buy just candy

My downfall begins with the candy I buy for the trick or treaters who ring my doorbell Oct. 31. Before the big day, I pick through my stash and snack on the leftovers. This year, I’ve resolved to hand out granola bars, pretzels and popcorn, along with some candy. This should (hopefully?) reduce the temptation to gorge on chocolate!

Tip #2: Swap out the big candy for the minis

If I do give into my candy cravings, it’s definitely better to devour a mini Snickers than a full-sized bar.

A word of caution from Salzer: “We tend to overeat miniature pieces because it’s easy to justify eating just one more. Keep the wrappers in front of you so you’re mindful about your consumption.”

Tip #3: Candy in moderation

You can snack on a little candy. Just try eating healthier the rest of the day. Want to prevent weight gain? Don’t consume more calories than you burn.

Counting calories can be daunting. For help, I love (love) the FitBit app on my phone. I log my food in the app, and it tracks how many calories I’ve consumed. (MyFitnessPal is another app that counts calories.)

I wear my FitBit all the time, so it also tracks my physical activity and calories burned. As soon as I begin typing in a frequent food choice, the app “remembers” and completes the entry. It makes tracking calories super easy.

Even if I’m not fully accurate with my food/calorie estimates, I find that journaling is enough to keep me “honest” about what I’m eating throughout the day. When I crave candy, I can determine if that Snickers bar will take me over my daily calorie goal. Maybe an apple is a better choice?

Tip #4: Get your kids in on the act

Don’t worry, I’m not asking your kids to forsake candy.

Instead, help them learn to indulge in moderation by focusing on the goodies they love.

Salzer suggests having your kids separate the candy into three piles:

  • a “yes” pile (candy they love)
  • a “maybe” pile (candy they like, but it’s not their favorite)
  • a “no” pile (candy they dislike)

Keep the candy in the “yes” pile and discard the “no” pieces. (Some dentists and orthodontists offer a Halloween candy buy back program.) Put the “maybe” pile away.

Too often, we snack on candy just because it’s “there.” Why not eat less of it and focus on what you really like? You kids can enjoy a moderate amount each day from the “yes” pile. They may (or may not) remember the candy from the “maybe” pile. If they forget about it, you don’t have to remind them that it’s there!

“It’s important to set a good example, indulge in moderation and establish limits so you and your family can enjoy Halloween without feeling like a witch!” said Salzer.

Breast Cancer Survivor Almost Skipped Annual Checkup

Pam Eadi was diagnosed with breast cancer about 20 years ago. Since then, she has been vigilant and always faithful in keeping her annual appointments for checkups and mammograms.

So as her 20-year survivor date approached in 2016, Eadi felt confident that she had beaten what she calls “the beast of breast cancer.”

“I had nothing to fear,” she said, “or so I thought.”

I Almost Cancelled My Appointment

With vacation scheduled in a week’s time, Eadi was busy wrapping things up at work and at home. “In my head, I was a 20-year survivor,” she said. “I felt fine; I had no issues.” She almost cancelled her appointment.

Deciding to keep it after all, Eadi confidently strode into her doctor’s office for her annual mammography screening. There, she was greeted with congratulations and encouragement for being a 20-year survivor.

The threat of cancer is always present in the back of a cancer survivor’s mind. But Eadi, an Excellus BlueCross BlueShield call center supervisor, believed that the chances of her having breast cancer again were so slim that there was no need to worry.

She thought wrong.

Breast Cancer Doesn’t Discriminate

One out of eight American women will develop breast cancer at some point in her life. For women, the statistic equally applies to their mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, cousins, friends, acquaintances, co-workers and even themselves.

The simple fact is that breast cancer doesn’t discriminate. It knows no age, race or particular breast size. All women are at risk. That risk also increases as women age. Even men are not immune from developing breast cancer.

The majority of breast cancers found at an early stage are successfully treated. Staying up-to-date with recommended mammograms is crucial to early detection and treatment. Eadi learned just how imperative those checkups can be.

A Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Again

One short week after her appointment, Eadi’s doctor diagnosed her with breast cancer – again.

Following a bilateral mastectomy, Eadi is now cancer-free. She believes that remaining faithful to her annual checkups may have saved her life.

Eadi shared her story as a lesson to everyone. “You need to be your own advocate and understand that life does not stand still for anyone,” she said. “Now every time I think of how I almost cancelled and put off an annual checkup, my palms sweat.”

Realizing that her outcome could have been worse if she hadn’t gone for her annual exam, Eadi cautioned others not to put off taking care of themselves. “Listen to your bodies, question and take action,” she said.

The Importance of Early Detection

Early detection and mammograms are important, agreed Nicholas Massa, M.D., Medical Director, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield. “Some women put off having a mammogram due to fear or uncertainty regarding the procedure,” he said. “But it really is the gold standard for the early detection of breast cancer.”

According to Massa, the low-dose X-rays involved in a typical mammogram can detect tumors long before they can be found by a physical exam or self-exam of the breasts. “If a tumor is cancerous, it’s much better to find it early, while it is still localized and hasn’t spread to other areas of the body,” he said.

Early detection may also reduce the extent of surgery needed. Early stage cancer can often be treated with a lumpectomy (removal of only the lump and surrounding tissue) instead of a mastectomy (removal of the entire breast).

Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women in New York state. According to 2018 data from New York State Department of Health, each year about 15,900 women in NY are newly diagnosed with breast cancer. About 2,500 women in NY die from breast cancer each year.

Massa joined Eadi in encouraging women to be proactive, rather than reactive. They encouraged women to take the first step by speaking with their doctor and reviewing their personal risk factors. Your doctor can help you decide when and how often to get a mammogram.

When to Start Screening for Breast Cancer

“A woman’s risk factors determine when she should begin getting screened,” said Massa. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that 50- to 74-year-old women who are at average risk be screened for breast cancer every two years.

Other authorities, however, recommend starting screening mammograms at an earlier age and on an annual basis. Massa recommended that women talk with their doctor at age 40 about when to start screening.

Some women are at higher risk of getting breast cancer. These women have previously had breast cancer or breast lesions, have a known genetic breast cancer mutation, or have a history of chest radiation at a young age. Women at high risk or with a family history of breast cancer should speak with their doctor about the right age and frequency of screening.

Breast cancer screening now is more accessible than ever in New York state. All New York state health insurance plans cover preventive breast cancer screening in full every one to two years for women who are older than age 40. Click here to find a screening location near you.

While early detection holds the possibility of saving lives, about 20 percent of New York women ages 50 to 74 still do not get their biennial mammogram. Massa would like to see that percentage drop to zero.

He advised women to learn more about breast cancer risk factors and screenings by talking with their doctor. More information can also be found on the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force website at uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org.

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

Jill May, Michele Donohue, Bella Lanzafame and Pam Eadi at Oct. 15 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event in Syracuse.

As part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month Excellus BlueCross BlueShield has sponsored Making Strides Against Breast Cancer events in Syracuse, Rochester, Utica and Binghamton.

Each noncompetitive three- to five-mile walk brings people together to make a difference for everyone who has been touched by breast cancer. Proceeds raise money to fund research, support services, and early detection.

If It’s Hard To Be Healthy, You’ll Love This Easy Meal

I recently dined on quite the spread: Homemade corn tortilla chips with southwestern black-eyed pea and corn salad. Oh, and apple crisp for dessert.

People with developmental and intellectual disabilities, and the staff who help them, whipped up this healthy and very tasty meal. They prepared these foods during the Arc of Monroe’s first-ever Cooking Matters class with Foodlink and Excellus BlueCross BlueShield.

The six-week program taught them how to cook healthy meals, safely handle food, read nutrition labels and shop for healthy items. Educators from Foodlink and Finger Lakes Eat Smart New York taught the classes.

The recipes were designed to be simple, healthy and safe to make for those with disabilities. But what I loved about the recipes was that anyone could easily do them!

How to Make Homemade Corn Tortilla Chips

Never again will I buy a bag of tortilla chips from the grocery store. I can make a healthier and lower-salt version with this recipe:

Print Recipe
Homemade Corn Tortilla Chips
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees
  2. Cut each corn tortilla into six triangles
  3. Coat a baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray
  4. Place tortilla slices on baking sheet. Lightly spray the chips with non-stick cooking spray to prevent burning
  5. Bake until golden brown and crispy, about 8-10 minutes
Recipe Notes

For a healthier twist, try whole wheat tortillas instead of corn tortillas. Serve with salsa, hummus, bean dip or chilli

Other recipes to try:

Southwestern Black-eyed Pea and Corn Salad

Apple Crisp

One More Easy Cooking Tip

Janet Williams of Penfield helps people with disabilities at the Arc shop for food, prepare meals and do other things to live independently.

Janet Williams of the Arc of Monroe

After completing the Cooking Matters program, Williams said she’s better prepared to help clients live healthier.

“I think it’s harder for this population to be healthy,” Williams said. “Unhealthy foods are easier to access; they’re addicting and seen as more ‘cool’ among their peers.”

Williams learned, for example, that it’s OK to buy canned vegetables and beans, even if there’s added salt in the foods. Just rinse the foods to get rid of the salt before using them.

Having canned beans and corn in your pantry can make it easy to make simple foods, such as a healthy salsa.

“I’m really excited about what we learned,” she added. “It’s seriously good stuff.”

The Cooking Matters class.

The program was made possible by an Excellus BCBS grant, which supported the classes and provided participants with coupons to shop at the Curbside Market truck, Foodlink’s farm stand on wheels. The truck was parked outside every class so participants and other Arc staff members could shop for healthy foods.

Fitness After 40

I’ve had the following conversation, or one very similar to it, every August for the past few years upon my return from participating in the annual Lake Placid Summit Lacrosse Tournament.

“What did you do this weekend?”
“I was up in Lake Placid playing in that giant lacrosse tournament they hold up there every year.”
“Wait. You’re … how old?”
“I’m 48.”
“Aren’t you a little too old to still be playing lacrosse?”

Yes, I’m older than 40. Yes, I still play lacrosse.

No, I’m not too old to play. In fact, the Summit tournament features hundreds of players my age and older who still play at a high level of competition and intensity. We may not be as fast as we were a decade or three ago. But we play hard and test our bodies and minds against, not only the competition in front of us, but also the very real and inevitable forces of the aging process.

Thus, we’re not blind to the prospect of injury. Even when we were much younger and playing college level, we knew we could get hurt, and many of us did. But now, we older athletes (many of us falling into the “weekend warrior” category) contend also with extra body weight and somewhat sedentary lifestyles that can readily contribute to pulled muscles, ligament and joint issues, or worse.

Fitness After 40

We can’t stop the aging process, obviously. But what we can do is ensure we’re making better decisions for ourselves that lead to a healthier, more active lifestyle to better prepare our bodies and minds for sports.

There are four things that I believe will help us be prepared for sports even at age 40 and above.

Realistic goals as we age

One of the main factors in one’s abandonment of a healthy lifestyle or fitness routine is the setting of unrealistic goals.

An all-too-common scenario: You set a New Year’s resolution saying you’re going to get in shape and hit the gym five times a week. Next thing you know, for a few weeks in February, life got in the way and you haven’t been to the gym in two weeks.

You failed to keep your resolution, so it’s time to give up, right? WRONG. Just brush yourself off and get back on the horse. If you can only get to the gym three times a week, or two, or one, that’s better than nothing. Persistence is key. Here’s an article from Self magazine that discusses using the “SMART” method for setting your fitness goals.

Don’t be duped. Real food for fitness after age 40

It’s harder than ever –since we no longer grow, raise or prepare most of our own food–to eat well.

With high fructose corn syrup, added sugars, saturated fats and processed, calorie-dense, nutrient-deficient foods dominating every grocery store aisle and restaurant menu, how do we properly feed and fuel our bodies these days?

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do it. You must educate yourself about our food supply. Learn how to really read food labels and ingredient lists, both what they tell you and what they don’t.

Then skip all the garbage (including garbage that is marketed as being healthy, such as sports drinks, diet soda, smoothies and breakfast cereals) and feed yourself real, nutrient-dense foods. Perhaps most importantly, watch your portion sizes. Read this article from Healthline to learn how not to be duped by food packaging.


We’re learning more about the importance of regular exercise to stave off chronic health issues that can befall us as we age. Simply put, get moving. Being healthier can be as simple as standing up. For more ideas, read 50 Small Changes for a Healthier Life.

Flexibility and stretching are also important. Take a few minutes to stretch in the morning and at night. Even better, take a yoga or Tai Chi class. Both are great for mind as well as body. Lastly, lift weights. Resistance training builds muscle, burns fat, contributes to heart health, and builds bone density. Livestrong.com offers this excellent slideshow of 20 great bodyweight exercises, and this Telegraph article offers many insights into staying fit after age 40.

Prepare and play smart

So we don’t move as fast as we used to, but we’re wiser, right? If you’re pushing age 50, don’t expect to blow away the competition with speed and skill.

You have to think.

My Potsdam College lacrosse coach used to bring us out on the field hours before game time to let us walk around the field and visualize ourselves being successful and playing well in the game.

Focus and peace of mind don’t occur naturally for any of us. Getting enough sleep, participating in hobbies (which contribute to learning, problem-solving, and concentration), and taking the time for meditation, reading and other activities that clear one’s mind should be a cornerstone of your daily living.

Leading an active lifestyle with a body that’s nearly a half-century old is not for the faint of heart. But it’s only as painful as you let it be. Get some exercise, eat right, and treat yourself well, and the dividends will come. Just keep at it.

As the late Five-Star General Douglas McArthur once said, “Age wrinkles the body; Quitting wrinkles the soul.”

Mobile Dentist Office Comes to RIT

Michael Shea, a student at the Rochester Institute of Technology, hadn’t seen the dentist in more than a year.

But on Thursday, Shea stood outside a SMILEmobile parked on the RIT campus. He was ready for a cleaning.

“It was convenient,” said Shea, a fourth-year student from Connecticut. He gestured at the big mobile unit behind him. “You have a dentist office on wheels right here.”

For the first time ever, this “dental office on wheels” stopped at the Rochester Institute of Technology on Oct. 5. The SMILEmobile provides treatment to students who are otherwise unable to access care.

The SMILEmobile is part of UR Medicine’s Eastman Institute for Oral Health. The Eastman Institute partnered with Excellus BlueCross BlueShield and RIT to provide this service for interested students.

Shea visited the mobile office to get his teeth cleaned. He’s seen people who neglect their teeth, Shea said, and they “don’t look very good.” Plus, it can be hard to get rid of all the plaque on your own, he said.

Michael Shea, a student at RIT, waits outside the SMILEmobile for his dental visit.

First truly mobile dental office

The Eastman Institute has other signature SMILEmobiles, which are trailers that set up at city schools for weeks at a time. However, this unit is the first truly mobile vehicle. It has been traveling to area nursing homes, refugee centers, and group homes to provide much-needed care to patients who have various access issues and otherwise wouldn’t receive care.

The custom built unit has a wheelchair lift and three dental chairs, including a movable air glide chair to allow for easier access. Services include dental examinations, cleanings, fillings, extraction, and dentures, among other procedures.

Another student at the SMILEmobile on Thursday was Melina Hillen of California. She was there to get her molars checked out.

The second-year student hadn’t had the time to visit the dentist in the last year. At one point she was also feeling a little bit of pain in her teeth. Her mother encouraged her to set up an appointment. Visiting the SMILEmobile was also very convenient, Hillen said, since she didn’t have to leave campus.

Melina Hillen of RIT waits for her appointment with the SMILEmobile.

Too busy to visit the dentist

In upstate New York, about half of adults ages 18 to 24 have not visited the dentist in the last year, according to an Excellus BCBS analysis of data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About 15 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds have also had at least one tooth removed because of tooth decay or gum disease.

“College is a busy time for students, and many miss their dental appointments,” said Neal Levitt, DDS, of Levitt and Zugner Dental Group and a consultant with Excellus BCBS. “But dental health is linked to overall health, and patients of all ages should see a dentist regularly.”

The SMILEmobile is making its next trip to the RIT campus on Oct. 23. For more information or to make an appointment, call (585) 475-3963.

Black and white photos

A Walking Lesson in Women’s History… For Boys

“If we want to instill resiliency and develop children’s imaginations, we need to present children with stories about long odds, big dreams, and fantastic leadership that come in all shapes, sizes, and bodies.” – Jill Eisenberg, Educator

Before I had children, I used to think about how I would raise my daughter someday. We live in Rochester, in the shadow of Susan B. Anthony and the many other strong, powerful women who followed in her footsteps. What an inspiration for girls and young women!

Fast-forward several years. Today I’m the proud mother of a 12-year-old and a 14-year-old. And you guessed it; yup, both are boys.

I admit, sometimes I feel sad that I don’t have a little “me” running around to teach about all of this great history. My sons, however, are amazing young men. As time goes by, I realize they are exactly who I should be teaching about the history of women’s rights and how hard-fought those rights were won. And while I and many other people recognize there is still much work to be done, the 100th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote in New York state is something to celebrate.

Downtown Rochester and the surrounding area offer some great opportunities for local sightseeing and learning about our shared history. And the good news is, all of them involve walking and taking in some great scenery. Why not combine one of our beautiful fall days with one (or all) of these great opportunities?


Rochester’s Heritage Trail

The City offers a 1.25 mile self-guided walking tour showing Rochester’s contributions to history. There are 15 markers, plaques, and interpretive signs that tell some of the great stories that make up Rochester’s rich history. The Susan B. Anthony’s neighborhood, including her house, which is a National Historic Landmark, is a stop on the trail (admission to the house and museum are not included).

Rochester Public Library

Another stop on the women’s history tour is the public library. The Central Library in downtown Rochester is hosting an exhibition at the Rundel Memorial Building through October 14. “Because of Women Like Her,” looks at the role women, and men, played in the women’s rights and suffrage movements in Rochester in the 19th and early 20th centuries. (By the way, while you’re at the library, check out the secret room.)

Mt. Hope Cemetery

If you’ve never been, Mt. Hope Cemetery is a treasure-trove of historical information—both factual and anecdotal. The cemetery is located on Mt. Hope Avenue in the city. It is the final resting place of Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglas—friends who led the fight for equality. With the distinction of being “America’s First Municipal Victorian Cemetery,” it’s easily one of the most serene, picturesque locations in the city. You can walk for hours taking in the beauty. The best way to learn about the history is on a guided tour. Volunteers from the Friends of Mt. Hope Cemetery can provide information your children will probably never read in history books or learn in the classroom. The tour season runs through October 29.

Ganondagan State Historic Site

Our area is rich in Native American history. Ganondagan is located in Victor, N.Y., about 20 minutes southeast of downtown Rochester. The site was home to the Seneca people in the 1600s. The Seneca were one of the five original nations of the Iroquois Confederacy. (I promise if you have a fourth grader or older, they can tell you about SCOOM—Seneca, Cayuga, Oneida, Onondaga and Mohawk nations!) The Seneca’s matriarchal society helped inspire the 1848 declaration of sentiments that eventually lead to women’s right to vote. Ganondagan is another area that boasts spectacular views that are especially enjoyable in the fall. It’s a beautiful setting to learn about the contributions of women to society, walk and be one with your surroundings.

I’m a fan of the “untold story,” and I’m so grateful to live an area that can provide the history of the women and men who helped build our great nation. This fall, talk a walk with your son, or daughter, through women’s history

Want to do more exploring this fall? Check out Rochester’s Secret Walk.