5 Questions to Ask Your Doctor

It started with a slight pain in my heel about a week before my wedding. My heel hurt when I walked barefoot around my apartment, or when I’d slide my foot in or out of my shoes. I figured it would go away on its own. I waited.

The pain didn’t go away. It got worse. I was in pain whenever I walked.  Finally, I went to the doctor. I learned I had plantar fasciitis, a common cause of heel pain that involves inflammation in your foot.

I didn’t know much about the treatment of plantar fasciitis. So, when I went in for my appointment, I armed myself with “5 Questions to Ask Your Doctor.”

Start the Conversation With Your Doctor

These “5 questions” are part of a national initiative by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation. The questions help patients have more informed conversations with their health care providers to make sure they get the right care. Some medical tests, treatments, and procedures provide little benefit, and in some cases can even cause harm.

Here are the five questions to ask before having any test, treatment or procedure.

1.  Do I really need this test, treatment, or procedure?

There’s often more than one way to treat or test for a health condition. For the treatment of plantar fasciitis, I learned that options included over-the-counter pain relievers, steroids, or a cortisone shot. Others may recommend stretching, massage or extracorporeal pulse activation treatment. The best treatment for you will depend, among other things, on the seriousness of your condition and your preferences.

2. What are the risks?

It’s important to learn about the risks, side effects, and possibilities of additional testing or procedures. One doctor, for example, suggested I get a cortisone shot. But then I learned that getting a cortisone shot could reduce the pain, but it also had risks like the possible tearing of the tissue in my foot.

3. Are there simpler, safer options?

Sometimes lifestyle changes, like resting, eating healthier or exercising, may be good first steps to treatment. For me, adding a daily stretching routine helped reduce the pain that I was feeling.

4. What happens if I don’t do anything?

Ask if your condition is likely to get better or worse if you don’t have a treatment or test right away. I learned that I couldn’t expect to get better without taking some action. When I finally found sneakers with the proper arch support for my foot, I started to feel less pain right away.

5. How much does it cost?

Different treatment options usually come with different costs. Ask about the cost of all your options, what your insurance may cover and about opportunities for generic prescriptions or prescription home delivery.

Partners on the same team

I ended up talking to two different doctors to assess my options. After having the conversations with the doctors, I felt that I better understood my condition and was more empowered to make treatment decisions that worked for me.

I also felt like my doctor and I were partners on the same team because of our conversation. Don’t be afraid to start the conversation with your doctor. The doctor may “always know best”, but no one knows your body better than you. Take charge of your health and your healthcare.

Instead of the cortisone shots for my health issue, I went with the stretches and the proper sneakers. I’m happy to report that thanks to my doctor and my own advocacy, I’m now pain-free from plantar fasciitis!

Spotlight on Kelly Springer, a Skaneateles business owner with a national reach

Kelly Springer is the founder and owner of Kelly’s Choice nutritional company, which focuses on sports nutrition, weight loss, workplace wellness, heart health, diabetes and more. Kelly also is a spokesperson for many national healthy food companies. Her clients have included Quaker Oats and KIND. Recently, Kelly’s Choice kicked off a virtual wellness program for large companies and businesses throughout the U.S. Kelly lives her healthiest life by always staying organized and being active with her family!

Kelly Springer

Favorite Healthy Eating Tips:

  • Start the day off with a well-balanced, nourishing breakfast. I start my day off with a glass of kefir (a creamy drink of fermented cow’s milk) and a scrambled egg with veggies mixed in.
  • Hydrate throughout the day. Water is critical to all of the body’s systems, including the brain, heart, lung, kidneys and muscles. You can’t digest and absorb vitamins and nutrients without water. It also detoxifies the liver and kidneys and carries away waste from the body. Your brain is mostly water—drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better.
  • Make sure that half of your lunch and dinner plates are veggies. They provide your body with additional water and also provide fiber, vitamins and minerals. There are many ways to make vegetables delicious!

How do you juggle a career, family and healthy lifestyle?

I’m going to be honest here—it is not easy! I’m busy with work, and my two daughters are busy with school, swimming and other activities. All of those activities go on a calendar, but guess what else? A couple of years ago, I started putting “me” time on the calendar. This is when I work out. I also make sure to never skip meals and get a full night’s sleep. This is true for me and my girls! We all need at least seven hours of sleep a night!

How do you stay active in the winter?

On Sunday, we like to ski in the winter! We spend four to five hours on the slope. I also stay active by doing all of my errands by foot: going to the bank, going to the post office or picking up a few groceries. I live in Skaneateles. It’s great to live in a walkable community.

How does a healthy lifestyle help you at home and at work?

A healthy lifestyle helps my whole family. It helps protect us from colds, flus, and other illnesses. My schedule is packed, and I don’t have time to get sick or for my children to get sick.

Best advice for people trying to live a healthy life?

Understand that you don’t have to be perfect. You can start by making simple healthy swaps:

  • Swap your morning cereal for eggs.
  • Replace white bread with whole wheat bread and white rice for brown rice.
  • Switch your candy bars for healthier granola bars.
  • Eat your fruit instead of drinking it (example: an apple instead of apple juice).
  • Switch from potato chips to air-popped popcorn.
  • Try Greek yogurt as a substitute for sour cream.

What are your favorite, local “healthy” spots?

I love the Charlie Major Nature Trail along Skaneateles Creek. It’s beautiful alongside the flowing water. We use it year-round for walking and biking in the spring, summer and fall, and snow-shoeing in the winter.

Click here to learn more about Kelly.

What I learned about getting shingles at 40

I had a rash that would not go away. It didn’t cover a large area, but it was irritating. Waiting it out was not helping, so I started looking for information on the internet. All signs pointed to shingles! I ran off to urgent care, and the doctor confirmed I was correct.

I had thought shingles was something that happened to older adults. Indeed, half of all shingles cases happen to those 60 or older, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  I had turned 40 just a week prior to this happening (so this did not stop me from grumbling about getting older!). But anyone who has ever had chickenpox can get the virus, no matter when they had it or how old they are now.

The shingles infection is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox (varicella zoster). I had chickenpox when I was 6 years old. My whole first-grade class passed it around that year. The virus stayed in my system and resurfaced as shingles all these years later.

What are the symptoms?

My rash was on the side of my body, which is the most common area for a shingles outbreak. In some cases, it can break out on your face or in your eye, which can be very painful. (Quick tip, nothing good comes from looking at images of other people’s medical conditions!)

I was lucky that my symptoms were not severe. I just experienced some itching and general discomfort for about two weeks. As long as the area was covered with a large bandage I could manage. But, it took nearly all my will-power not to scratch!

In more intense cases, you could experience nerve pain—called post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN)—that can last well after the other symptoms disappear.

Is it contagious?

That was my first question to the doctor. I certainly did not want this to spread in my family. Answer: You cannot spread shingles, but someone could catch chickenpox if they come in direct contact with open blisters.

I made sure to keep the rash covered as much as possible and washed my hands frequently. I felt good that both my kids have already had the chickenpox vaccine. This was before the holidays, so it was not a struggle to keep away from those at risk including older adults, folks who are ill or have a weak immune system, and babies too young to be vaccinated.

Why me?

In my case, the likely trigger for shingles was stress. Stress weakens your immune system and makes you more likely to catch a virus like shingles. It was easier said than done to avoid stress during the busiest time of year, from my full-time job to my children’s school and activities. I tried my best to find a way to calm my mind and body. I started taking a yoga class again and tried to stick to a regular sleep schedule.

You have shingles. Now What?

See your doctor as soon as you can. He or she may prescribe an antiviral medication, which can shorten the length and/or severity of the infection. Antiviral medications are most helpful when taken as soon as possible after the rash appears, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

By the time I saw a doctor, his only advice was to give it time to heal.

Some ideas to help you feel better if you have shingles from the National Institutes of Health include:

  • Wear loose-fitting clothing. Some find it uncomfortable when clothing rub the affected area.
  • Eat balanced meals.
  • Rest! Give your body time to recuperate.

Get protected!

As of October 2017, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends Shingrix®, a new vaccine to prevent shingles and the symptoms it may cause.

What should you know? The vaccine is:

  • For healthy adults ages 50 and older.
  • Administered in two doses, with the second dose given between 8 weeks and 6 months after the first.
  • Effective! If you are in your 50s or 60s, it has been shown to be more than 90 percent effective.  
  • Long-lasting. The vaccine kept its effectiveness during a 4-year study.
  • Does not contain a live virus.
  • Recommended over the other shingles vaccine, called Zostavax.® (If you have already gotten Zostavax®, you are also encouraged to get Shingrix®.)
  • Another layer of protection. If you’ve already had shingles, the shot may prevent it from coming back.

If interested, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the vaccine.

Are there side effects of the vaccine?

Temporary irritations like soreness in the arm, redness, and swelling are typical.

Form the New York Times: “It’s no contest: The hazards of shingles and its complications dwarf any problems yet reported with Shingrix”.

If you’re considering the shingles vaccine, you may want to call your insurer and ask about coverage for your specific plan.

7 Small Ways to Help Stop the Opioid Epidemic

The opioid epidemic touches our lives in many ways. Every day, 130 Americans die from opioid overdoses. But there are small things you can do to help.

1. Talk to your family about avoiding opioids for pain

Try not to start. Opioids, including hydrocodone and codeine, are very addictive. If your doctor prescribes opioids for you or a family member, push back. Ask about options.

You may need an opioid for post-operative pain. But you may also be able to get pain relief for most outpatient surgeries by trying alternate medicines, including over-the-counter medication such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen.

My daughter, for example, turned down a hydrocodone prescription by her doctor when she had pain after a wisdom teeth removal. My daughter told me, “I told the doctor that I didn’t want that stuff. We don’t use opioids in our family.”

The doctor ignored the request. My daughter brought home the hydrocodone, which she never used.

2. Never use someone else’s pain medication

An acquaintance of mine spotted the bottle of hydrocodone that my daughter brought home after she had her wisdom teeth removed.

“That’s the only medicine I’ve ever had that helps my knee pain,” she said. “My doctor won’t give it to me anymore. I don’t know why. Can I have this? I’ll buy it from you?”

“No,” I told her firmly. “Your doctor has a reason for not prescribing this. I don’t know that reason. This medicine was prescribed for my daughter, not you. You should not use other people’s medicines.”

3. Learn to spot the signs

Learn to spot the signs of an opioid overdose, especially if someone in your home is using an opioid, such as heroin. You can pick up the drug Naloxone (also called Narcan), which reverses overdoses from opioids, at more than 2,000 pharmacies throughout New York state. To learn how to use the drug, click HERE for a YouTube video, or click HERE to look for a class.

4. Become familiar with treatment options

Become familiar with the outpatient, inpatient, detox, sober living and other types of treatment beds that are available near you. Go to the Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) website and click on “Find available treatment beds in New York State.”

5. Learn about other community resources that are available in your area

6. Talk with others about how you manage pain

We all deal with pain in different ways.   You may want to consider whether the following options are suitable for you when managing your pain: over-the-counter pain relievers, acupuncture, meditation, massage therapy, physical therapy or yoga. If you suspect stress is causing your pain, consider talking to a health care professional. It might help.

You can also call the customer service number on the back of your insurance card if you have questions about whether a particular drug or service is covered.

7. Dispose of unused or unwanted prescription drugs

  • Visit the website of the Drug Enforcement Administration on how to dispose drugs and to locate an authorized collection site near you. Or, call the DEA at (800) 882-9539.
  • Take part in National Prescription Drug Take-Back events by the DEA or by local law enforcement agencies.

Most importantly, don’t shy away from talking about the crisis as a family. Don’t blame anyone. Acknowledge the illness and the loss and suffering. Try your best to get informed.

Think you have the flu? Here’s what to do

Every time someone near me sniffles, coughs or sneezes, I find myself in a slight panic – oh no, have I just been exposed to the flu?! After all, you can catch the flu just by being in the room with someone with the virus.

I’ve never been particularly fearful of the flu. My family gets the annual flu vaccine, we cover coughs and sneezes, wash hands often, and try to avoid those who may be sick. But as the number of local flu cases increases, so has the concern.

You have the flu. Now what?

So what do you do if you find yourself with flu-like symptoms? The flu shares similar symptoms with the common cold: a cough, sore throat, runny nose, and congestion. How do you know if you have the flu? Unlike a cold, flu symptoms come on suddenly and can include fever, headache, fatigue, and aches in your muscles and joints.

If you suspect you have the flu, medical experts offer these five recommendations:

  1. STAY HOME and avoid contact with other people. This limits your risk of exposing others to the virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.
  2. CALL YOUR DOCTOR as soon as you think you may have the flu. It’s best to call and not go to the office.  Your provider can usually diagnose you over the phone and if needed, can prescribe an antiviral medication. Antiviral drugs tend to shorten the duration of the illness and reduce complications when taken within two days of getting sick.
  3. TELEMEDICINE visit if it’s after office hours, or your doctor is not available. Telemedicine providers, such as MDLIVE, can address your condition and prescribe needed medications either by phone or video conferencing. The visit might even cost you less than a trip to urgent care or the emergency room.
  4. EMERGENCY CARE. There are certain times when emergency care is needed. Your doctor may recommend the emergency room if your condition worsens or you are in a high-risk group. This includes young children, older adults, pregnant women and people with respiratory, cardiac or chronic conditions.
  5. GET A FLU SHOT – it’s not too late.

Should I get a flu shot?

I’m glad my family was vaccinated, even though reports show the flu vaccine may not be as effective as in other years. Medical experts still recommend the flu shot because it helps reduce the overall number of cases and reduces the severity of symptoms for those who do get sick.

Fortunately, so far our flu shots and increased awareness have helped keep the flu at bay!

For more tips on staying healthy this flu season, check out:

Check out our flu infographic for more information about how you can stay healthy this flu season.

From Addict To Leader: One Woman’s Path To Sobriety

Sarah Lee reflects on her sobriety whenever she walks by a corner room on the second floor of the Jennifer House in Rochester.

She took her first step toward sobriety while staying in the yellow room at the house run by Spiritus Christi Prison Outreach. The house is a short-term residence for women who are often battling addiction and re-entering society after a stint in jail.

“When I first came to the Jennifer House, I was given a choice,” she said. “I made the choice to be sober. For the first time in a while, I had made the right choice.”

Sarah kept making the “right choices.” Today, she’s still at the house, but in a completely different role. Today Sarah is the director of the Jennifer House. It’s a role that she said is both humbling and surreal given how far she’s come since her 52-day stay there in 2008.

Sarah Lee

From Addict to Leader

Sarah stayed sober, graduated from the Jennifer House and moved into supportive housing. She went back to school, earning her associate’s and bachelor’s degrees.

“I never envisioned that I’d be a leader,” said Sarah, who is also in the process of earning her Master of Social Work degree. “It’s a very humbling experience and an honor.”

Sarah said it helps that she can relate to what many of the residents are going through.

“When I say I understand, I understand,” she said.

Straight-A Student Turns to Drugs

For Sarah, the life of an addict started at the age of 14. That’s when the straight-A student took her first drink of alcohol.

“When I had my first drink, I loved it,” Sarah said.

Her drinking led to 11 years of drug use, including marijuana, ecstasy and crack cocaine. She committed crimes, landed in jail a few times and a drug treatment court sent her to the Jennifer House.

Sarah now urges her residents not to forget the person they were while using. Sarah, for example, said she doesn’t hate the version of herself who used to be known on the streets as “snowflake.”

“Snowflake kept me alive, despite all the drugs,” Sarah said. “She was resilient, persevered and somehow survived.”

“But I had to let that person go to become Sarah again,” she added.

You can Have Fun and Be Sober

Sarah’s understanding of how hard it is to break the cycle of addiction helps guide her programming.

The goal of the house’s wellness initiative, for example, is to show the former addicts that they can have fun and be sober.

A grant from Excellus BlueCross BlueShield has helped Sarah fund this program, which is run by a volunteer, part-time recreation therapist. The wellness initiative includes exercise programs at local fitness centers and outings to try white water rafting, horseback riding, bowling and yoga.

Residents of the Jennifer House on a white water rafting trip.

The activities, Sarah said, help residents fight their cravings, decrease stress and increase self-discipline and confidence – all skills essential to recovery. About 80 percent of residents use what they learn from the program to develop new, healthy habits, she added.

Exercise, after all, has been hailed as one piece of the puzzle when it comes to helping people overcome addiction.

Sarah also links each outing to the residents’ own struggles to be sober.

The residents’ battles with the rapids while white water rafting, for example, is like their fight for recovery. The rapids are tough, but you still have to fight through them.

“Life feels like that when you’re in recovery, but you can get through it,” Sarah said.

If You Struggle With New Year’s Resolutions …Try This Instead!

I pride myself on being an eternal optimist. I believe I can turn any situation sunny if I smile enough and I can accomplish anything if I work hard. However, New Year’s resolutions always stump me.

We’re so ambitious and positive on Jan. 1. We’re inspired to hit the gym and get off the couch. Unfortunately, 80 percent of people give up their new goals around February, returning to their sweatpants and Netflix marathons.

But what if we stopped looking at the New Year as a time to leave our guilty pleasures behind, but instead decided to “take on” something new?

Wise wisdom from grandma

I got this idea from my grandma. We’ve always lived right down the road from my grandparents,  so it’s no surprise that she and my grandpa continue to be some of my biggest influences.

We spent almost every holiday together, including New Year’s. I remember asking her at a very young age what she was going to give up in the New Year, to which she bluntly said “nothing.”

She wanted to “take something on” instead by being nicer to people in the New Year.

It’s easier than you think!

She’s going to be nicer to people? What kind of resolution is that?

Doesn’t the start of a new year mean that we have to completely turn ourselves around?

Or are we making resolutions so difficult that we can’t stick to them? We hear phrases like, “I’m going to stop smoking,” “I’m not going to spend unnecessary money,” “I’m going to quit eating fatty foods and carbs.” All are good resolutions, but sound a little overwhelming and hard to accomplish once the excitement of the New Year wears off.

What if we replaced all of those challenging goals by “taking something on” instead?  A once negative phrase that sounded too monumental has turned into a doable challenge.

“I’m going to start finding healthy substitutes instead of cigarettes.”

“I will create a budget, so I can see where I’m spending my money.”

“I’m trying one new healthy food each week.”

Simple changes are often all we need to make a big difference.

4 things to take on

  1. In my household, we would try a new food on New Year’s Eve. One year it was caviar, another year it was anchovies (for good luck!). Although that sounds like nothing, for a 10-year-old, eating fish eggs was traumatic!
  2. Try spending quality time with your friends and family by putting the electronics away.
  3. Vow to try a new form of exercise like biking, instead of throwing away money on a gym membership you know you won’t use!
  4. Try to make your bed every day- or if that’s a little too challenging, try at least during the work week. For more, read Overwhelmed with Life? Try Making Your Bed.

My favorite resolution

If you’d like to try the  “take it on” method of New Year’s resolutions, you may want to start with my grandma’s resolution of being nicer to people.

It’s a great way to practice “taking something on,” while helping others in need. The world can always use people who care about the well-being of others, and sometimes that can be difficult. Picture what a different world it would be if we took the time to project our positivity and good spirit onto someone else!

Be Nice- It’s that simple!

So how can you be nicer to people? Hold the door for someone at the office, give up your seat on the bus ride home, volunteer in your community, and the list goes on! There are hundreds of opportunities throughout our day that we might miss if we don’t pay attention.


Cervical Cancer survivor Christine Baze wants everyone to get this vaccination. Here’s why.

Before you decide whether or not to have your pre-teen vaccinated against HPV (human papillomavirus), you may want to read about Christine Baze’s battle with cervical cancer.

Don’t have kids that age? You may still want to read Christine’s story. The National Cancer Institute says HPV is so common that nearly all sexually active men and women get the virus at some point in their lives.

While in most cases HPV goes away on its own and doesn’t result in any health problems, it can cause genital warts and cancer in women and men. The HPV vaccine provides protection against cervical, anal, oropharyngeal (throat and mouth), penile, vaginal and vulvar cancer and genital warts.

Here’s Christine’s story.

It was spring 2000 and Christine was on top of the world, having quit her job as a marriage and family therapist to devote herself full-time to a career in music. Happily married, she and her husband dreamed of starting a family someday.

She showed up for her regular gynecologist’s annual appointment in March figuring it would be the same old routine visit. After all, her Pap smears had been “normal” the last 13 times.

This time, however, her Pap smear came back “abnormal.”

Her doctor explained she had abnormal cells on her cervix, and if left untreated, they could develop into cancer. He explained the cell changes were a result of HPV that she probably had contracted years ago. Although there’s now a vaccine for HPV, the Food and Drug Administration didn’t approve it until 2006, years after Christine unknowingly had contracted the virus.

Cancer was a worst case scenario, her doctor advised her, but referred her to an oncologist specializing in gynecological cancer.

Otherwise healthy, Christine told her doctor, “There’s no way I have cancer,” but agreed to see the specialist.

On April 18, 2000, Christine’s life changed forever. The diagnosis came back cervical cancer.

Her full-time job was surviving

Just months before, Christine had put her professional life on hold to pursue her passion: singing, performing and writing music. Now, her full-time job was surviving.

On April 28, 2000. Christine underwent a radical hysterectomy that removed her uterus, cervix and connective tissue. The surgeon left the one healthy ovary intact, in case Christine and her husband wanted to try in vitro fertilization with a surrogate mother. Later, they did try, but it failed.

“No little Crissi for this Christine,” she remembers thinking.

“You really don’t know how much you want something until you can’t have it,” Christine, a native of Elmira, New York, told Syracuse University students at a sexual health awareness day on campus February 2017.

The author with Christine at her Syracuse University appearance.


Fried Inside and Out

Surgery was only the beginning. External radiation five days a week for five weeks ran concurrent with four rounds of chemotherapy, and then was followed by three rounds of internal radiation.

She felt fried inside and out, emotionally drained and spiritually wounded.

As a licensed family and marriage therapist, Christine knew what she needed to do and did it. She got her own therapist, joined a support group, tried different medications and even got a puppy.

Christine’s dog, Harold

Although Christine survived the cancer, her marriage didn’t weather the fall-out.

Harold and Maude Wake Her Up

A chance viewing of the 1971 cult flick, “Harold and Maude,” was Christine’s call to “kick cancer to the door and begin living again.”

At almost 80, Maude’s zest for life provides a stark contrast to rich, bored 20-year-old Harold’s obsession with death. Eventually, the old woman turns Harold into a believer—and Christine, too.

“No matter what Maude was up against, she prevailed,” said Christine.

“She was a survivor, and so am I.”

Even the movie’s soundtrack by Cat Stevens propelled Christine to run to the piano she hadn’t touched in months. She played the melody and belted out the lyrics to “Trouble”:

“Trouble move away, I’ve seen your face and it’s too much for me today.”

The sunny umbrella that Maude flaunted among a sea of black ones in the movie’s funeral scene led to the name of the nonprofit that Christine founded not long after seeing the movie classic.

Under the shelter of The Yellow Umbrella Organization, Christine talks and sings about something no one wants to talk about: cervical health. She calls the series of concerts The Yellow Umbrella Tour, promoting the HPV vaccine, cervical cancer prevention, and regular screenings and tests for those who may be infected and not know it.

Paint It Yellow

Christine has done 100-plus tour dates and more than 250 events with PAINT IT YELLOW to talk about HPV and cervical cancer prevention. The venues are middle and high schools, colleges, community settings, workplaces and clubs. She also appears in the highly acclaimed documentary, Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic.

“Christine has a kind of radiance about her,” said Melissa Klinko who was instrumental in bringing the Yellow Umbrella tour to Elmira under the auspices of her employer, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield. Back in her hometown, Christine lit up the stage where she’d once performed as a student.

“She turned a life-threatening illness and devastating situation into a positive experience that touches the hearts and minds of young, old and in between,” said Klinko. ”Who knows how many lives she’s saved because of her message?”

HPV Vaccination Rates Low

The CDC reports that nationwide six of 10 parents are choosing to get the HPV vaccine for their children.

In states where vaccination rates are lowest, cervical cancer rates are the highest, according to another national study.

But the number of cases of cervical cancer and death by cervical cancer has decreased in New York state over the last 40 years thanks in large part to regular Pap smears and HPV vaccinations.

“Many parents would tell me that they didn’t think they needed to worry about that right now with their adolescent son or daughter,” said Nicholas Massa, M.D., a pediatrician and medical director at Excellus BlueCross BlueShield.

“However, adolescents should be vaccinated before they become exposed, because protection is greatest before he or she has initiated any type of sexual activity with another person. And, despite how much we try to guide our children and despite how open a relationship we may have with them, we will not likely know when that first time will be.”

Some parents may believe that if they have their children vaccinated against HPV that their kids will begin engaging in sexual activity, especially at a younger age, but studies don’t bear that out, he said, citing one published in Pediatrics.

Dr. Massa also said providers may need to become more comfortable talking about it with their patients and their parents.

For those too old for the vaccine, education and prevention are the first line of defense for women and men, Dr. Massa said, advising that women should follow the Choosing Wisely® recommendations for screenings. Even people with only one lifetime sex partner can get HPV.

“So the risk is real for all.”

It didn’t take my voice.

Although music and The Yellow Umbrella are her passions, Christine continues to work part-time as an outpatient mental health therapist at Mass General for Children at North Shore Medical Center in Salem, Massachusetts. Troubled teens are her specialty.

“Cervical cancer took lots of bits and pieces of my body,” Christine said, “but it didn’t take my voice.”

To hear Christine’s “voice” as she educates others about cervical health, watch the following video.

For more information, read 11 Facts About HPV And Cervical Cancer.

5 Ways to Avoid Getting Sick

Our family’s unfortunate holiday tradition doesn’t revolve around lavish turkey dinners or cheery family togetherness.

‘Tis the season – instead – for retching up meals, dining on popsicles and shivering from fevers while buried under layers of blankets.

For my family, the stomach bug is like an old friend who returns to visit every year for turkey dinner. His Thanksgiving visit starts my family’s cycle of illness that takes us through Christmas and into the New Year.

But this year will be different.

My Resolution: Stop Getting Sick

During the stomach bug’s first Thanksgiving visit, my baby boy thankfully only suffered for a few hours. Mom and Dad, meanwhile, weren’t so lucky.

Whether it’s “the bug” or another illness, the steps to take to avoid getting sick are very obvious. But they’re not always easy to do – especially with kids.

Still, I’m tired of my family getting sick. So here is my game plan for those pesky bugs that typically inflict my family throughout the holiday and winter season.

Tip #1 – Flu Shot For Your Family

If you’re older than 6 months old, consider getting a flu shot. Last year, half of New Yorkers skipped the flu shot, and more than 65,000 people got the flu,  according to data analyzed by Excellus BlueCross BlueShield.

If you haven’t received your flu vaccination yet, it’s not too late! Talk to your doctor, or click HERE to find a list of clinics. On the fence? Read, Am I Selfish If I Don’t Get A Flu Shot?

Flu shots can be a torturous experience for a little one. Prep your child for that flu shot with Sid the Science Kid:

Here are more tips specific to kids:

  • Encourage your child to bring a favorite toy or comfort item to the appointment.
  • Be a good role model by staying positive and cheerful during the shot.
  • Remind your child (as well as yourself) that the shot is quick and will keep you healthy for a long time.

To be honest, these tips will probably work with my youngest child, but not my oldest. He. Hates. Shots. If you have any other ideas, please (please) share in the comments section below!

Tip #2 – “Catch” That Cough And Sneeze

Cough or sneeze into a tissue or into the crook of your arm (not into your hand!). This will help stop the germs from spreading to the rest of your family. It took me six years, but my eldest is finally doing this (kinda) most of the time. I can’t say the same for my 3-year-old. He’s a work in progress.

If you have a little one who just doesn’t get it, try telling him to “catch” his sneeze or cough in the crook of his arm.

Tip #3 – Stop Sharing That Fork

Don’t share food and eating utensils. As I’m writing this, that tip sounds overly obvious. Clearly, germs are easily spread this way.

But …. I may have a bad habit of sharing a plate of food with my preschooler. He’s not an adventurous foodie when we’re eating out. I usually just share a plate with him, knowing that he’d probably just waste a plate of food if I got him his own.

I may have to put an end to that bad habit!

Tip #4 – the ABCs And more Hand Washing Tips For Kids

Wash your hands – thoroughly. I’m a total #momfail with this one. Kids and adults need to scrub the entirety of their hands thoroughly with soap and wash with warm water. And they need to do this for more than just a few seconds!

Instead, my kids typically splash their hands through the water, maybe entertain the idea of grabbing a droplet of soap, before running on their way.

With my preschooler, I’m hoping this video from Elmo will help:

With my first grader, I plan to annoy him with reminders about singing the ABCs while washing!

Tip #5 – How To Avoid Pink Eye

I’m still scarred by what happened in February 2016. Both boys got sick twice, my husband was bed-ridden for a few days and I caught pink eye – in both eyes.

Avoiding pink eye is like avoiding any other sickness. Wash your hands often with soap and warm water, and don’t touch your eyes with unwashed hands.

But what if you’re like me and first get pink eye in one eye, and it then spreads to the other? Here are tips to keep it from spreading:

  • Keep washing those hands! This is especially important before and after applying ointment to your eye.
  • Throw away (cotton balls) or thoroughly wash (washcloths) all the stuff you use to clean the infected eye.
  • Do not use the same eye drops for the infected eye with the healthy one.
  • Keep washing pillowcases, sheets, washcloths and other towels, and keep washing your hands after doing this.

As I write this, my family is off to a bad start to the holiday sickness season. The illnesses started earlier this year, and we’ve already had one bout of pneumonia and several colds. But with some targeted education (ie: nagging), I’m hopeful we’ll have a healthier, happier holiday season.

Simple Stress-Busting Tips For The Holidays

Lisa Cooper did a small thing the other day that helped lessen her holiday stress.

She got home before her kids, threw a quick dinner together and actually did a quick workout before anyone got home.

She ran in place in her living room, did a few wall squats, planks and stretches. Then, she capped off her hurried workout with a few minutes of silence sitting in front of her Christmas tree. She meditated by listening to her breaths. She felt less stressed by the time her family got home.

“I have anxiety. I sometimes feel as if I’m going to explode,” Lisa said. “I’m not going to get rid of the anxiety, but I can learn how to manage it.”

It’s no secret that holiday demands can cause a lot of stress in people during this time of year. You might be stressing over family strife, financial concerns or ways to tackle an ever-growing to-do list.

A note in Lisa’s cubicle reads, “Decide just how much anxiety a thing may be worth and refuse to give it more . . . “

People are stressed about different things and show stress in different ways.

Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress

For Lisa, it comes down to recognizing the warning signs that she’s feeling anxious or stressed and doing something about it. When she starts feeling anxious, she might:

  • Take deep breaths or go for a quick walk.
  • Keep lists of everything she has to do. When she crosses something off her list, she feels better because she sees she’s getting things done.
  • Plan ahead. Lisa spends her Sundays planning her meals and doing her ironing so she has less to do during the work week.
  • Contact her therapist when she has trouble breaking out of her anxiety.

If you have any concerns about how you feel, reaching out to your primary care physician or another health care provider is always an option, added Ann Griepp, M.D., Chief Medical Officer for behavioral health at Excellus BlueCross BlueShield.

Click on the following videos for more tips from Ann on how to cope during the holidays. Or, read 12 ways to reduce holiday stress.